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Especially in light of today’s headlines, the time has come for the silent majority to be silent no longer. Peace Angels are here to boldly spark a movement and energize a tipping point towards causing peace in our time. If you choose to stand up in defense of life, you can become part of this movement. There are two ways you can support the Peace Angels Project.


From time immemorial, mankind has erected large-scale monuments to stand as public symbols to represent the highest ideals of humanity. Yet, at the current time, our human values are being tested. The Peace Angels Project has developed a program that is robust enough to address the killing fields of our nation. For the first time, through the USA Weapons Destruction Campaign (“USAWDC”), Americans will have a clear-cut means by which to personally make their communities safer. Our children will be watching as we give up weapons which will become part of the raw materials for Peace Angel monuments. Talks are ongoing with some of the largest cities in the United States that want a monument placed within their municipality.